v2.2.0 - 19-JUL-2019
- Fix: Better detection of invalid token in main batch
v2.1.0 - 19-JUL-2019
v2.0.0 - 19-DEC-2018
- Change: Major revamp of the user interface
v1.3.0 - 08-DEC-2018
- New: Added feature to generate a set of similar prizes
- Change: Maximum amount of prizes per raffle increased to 50
- Change: Improved UI for better managing of larger sets of prizes
v1.2.1 - 09-NOV-2018
- Fix: Creation of polls with left and right double quotes did not work correctly
- New: Added full Unicode support for all text fields, thus enabling non-latin letters e.g. Japanese and Chinese
v1.1.2 - 15-OCT-2018
- Fix: Detection of wrong or unavailable channel during drafts
- Fix: Added error message when unsupported characters are entered
- Change: Technical change to improve performance
- Change: Technical change to enable dialogs
- Change: Raffle Edit window no longer accepts draw dates in the past
v0.12.2 - 07-SEP-2018
- Change: Moved refresh button on edit window next to title
- Change: Switching message sending from async to sync for start / pause
- Change: Replaced @channel with @here for announcements
- Change: Technical improvements and lib updates
v0.11.1 - 23-DEC-2017
- Change: Security update to starter for web app
- Change: The web app for editing a raffle can not be accessed via buttons from Slack
v0.10.0a - 07-DEC-2017
- New: Enabled direct install from App Directory
- Fix: Switched to HTTPS links on website for all images
v0.10.0 - 29-SEP-2017
- New: Command kick: show menu to choose user from when no user is specified
- Change: Added channel pings to all broadcasts, e.g. raffle start, raffle pause, raffle complete
- Change: Turned on mandatory HTTPS for edit page
- Fix: User links no longer work with custom labels in Slack
- Change: Switched all Slack message sending to asynchronous to improve performance, stability and reliability
- Change: Re-integrated common lib classes: Session and InputVars
- Change: Technical updates (new library versions)
v0.9.0 beta - 15-MAR-2017
- New: Raffle can now be also edited comfortably in a web browser window
- New: Raffles can now longer be started accidentally when the announcement channel is invalid
- New: Improvements to chat interface with better error handling and user feedback
- Fix: Several minor bugs fixed
v0.8.1 beta - 08-MAR-2017
- New: Added command to transfer ownership of raffles between users of a Slack team
- New: Added information about the installation process to the manual
- Change: Major technical update of the bot to further improve maintainability and extensibility
- New: Improved batch architecture
v0.7.4 alpha - 02-MAR-2017
- Change: Updated website layout
- Fix: issue with raffle delete
- Fix: raffle drawing date now updated when drawing is conducted by command
- New: add version command, bot version now also displays date & time of version
- Change: time and dates now automatically shown in user specific timezone
- Change: added user error message including solution suggestion in case access token is revoked
- Change: re-installing the app no longer overwrites timezone settings
v0.6.0 alpha - 14-OCT-2016
- New: owner can transfer raffle ownership to another user
- Change: Raffle drawing can no longer be started manually if raffle has no participants
- Change: DB charset changed to UTF-8 to improve language support
- New: Added user error messages for Slack channel issues
- Fix: Parser has problems with some special chars
- Change: Aligned color coding of 'Okay'-Button to type of action
- Fix: Timeout when sending promotion text with many attachments
- Fix: Some quotation chars were not parsed correctly
- Change: Input parser now accepts any quotation chars
- Change: Deleted raffles now hidden from raffle list
- Alpha release candidate